July 20, 2014

Make Background Image Of Your Blog Clickable With This CSS Tweak

+Kanyi Okeke alerted me via comments that once you implement it on a Blogger blog, it automatically links anything on the page to the link in the code above.I will find a solution to this and update this post asap.

Earlier today, +Temi Baby  asked me how to make the background image of her blog clickable and probably link to an external website, while also ensuring that the link opens in a new tab/window. Initially, I thought such won't be possible on a Blogger blog but after making some research, I realized it's possible and can be achieved with css.

You can see a demo at www.wizkid-download.blogspot.com. Clicking on the background image on desktop and mobile view of the blog takes you to blogger.com + it opens in a new window/tab without taking you away from the blog page.

So, let me assume you've already added a background image to your blog.

==> Log in to www.blogger.com, go to your blog dashboard, click "Templates" > "Edit HTML"

==> Click inside the HTML editor, press CTRL F on your keyboard to find < body

==> Directly under < body, paste the code below:

<a href="http://www.nairaforsms.com" id="blogbackground-link" target="_blank"> </a>

==> Replace www.nairaforsms.com with the link you want the background to open when clicked.

==> Click "Save Template".

==> Click inside the HTML editor again and use CTRL F to find ]]></b:skin>

==> Paste the css code below, directly above ]]></b:skin>

#blogbackground-link {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    z-index: 1;
    height: 4000px;

==> Click "Save Template".

View your blog, click on the background image and it should open your link in a new tab/window.

That's all.

Don't know how to add background image to your blog?

Paste the css code below, directly above ]]></b:skin>

body {
    background-image: url('https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgc_fLwDNr04jn06W1Arz23FiTUMuWOVEU4HDGGbAy-0g9uYRiiOJQx8Y9Zx1ITxNS355LRhni0dY5OgS3NcF5GpQ582YUMZ0lhV5LfS3JrrhIk1eJtlwM4Wwh5bNCplYhTBHbxRwJyp_a3/s1600/Nairaforsms-300x250AD_optim.jpg');   
    background-position: top center;
    z-index: 1;
    background-attachment: scroll;
    background-repeat: repeat-y;
    background-color: grey;

Carefully replace the highlighted link; https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgc_fLwDNr04jn06W1Arz23FiTUMuWOVEU4HDGGbAy-0g9uYRiiOJQx8Y9Zx1ITxNS355LRhni0dY5OgS3NcF5GpQ582YUMZ0lhV5LfS3JrrhIk1eJtlwM4Wwh5bNCplYhTBHbxRwJyp_a3/s1600/Nairaforsms-300x250AD_optim.jpg with the link to your background image.

That's all.

NB: If you are a wordpress user, you can get the < body tag via "Appearance" > "Editor" > Header.php. Thereafter, you can paste the css code in your custom css file. See demo at : www.mobilitaria.com (the background links to the mobilitaria blog homepage)

I hope it works for you. Let me know via comments, if there are challenges.

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