April 01, 2020

Colorado Mayor dares someone to spit in his mouth as he dismisses Coronavirus concerns (video)

Mayor Brian Bagley of Longmont, Colorado, USA has publicly downplayed the Coronavirus disease urging the US government to stop city lock-downs and closing off businesses.

The Mayor who has been defiant when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic, appeared to suggest during a recent City Council work session and he said that people in low-health-risk categories should not be worried about contracting COVID-19.

Mayor Bagley according to the Times-Call reports, made a bizzare comment saying even if someone spat in his mouth he won't die.

“I want somebody to come over and spit in my mouth so I can get in the hospital now, because I’m not going to die,” said Mayor Bagley according to The Times-Call.

“I am not advocating that money is more important than lives or health,” Bagley said at that meeting. “I’m not saying this isn’t serious. I’m not saying  I’m going to violate” the stay-at-home orders, “or go rogue.”

Bagley continued “I’m going to follow the current orders, but this is only going to get worse, and it’s not going to be the virus that’s going to cause it.”
After massive outrage followed his comments, the Mayor downplayed the incident.

“First of all, I was speaking with emotion and sarcasm, obviously I don’t want someone to come over and spit in my mouth,” Mayor Bagley told Denver’s Channel 7 reporter Adi Guajardo.
“What I meant was there is room in the hospital” and that he would rather get sick, if that happens, now instead of later.”
Watch the video below...

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