December 27, 2017

Obaseki’s result-oriented leadership style in a political milieu

In just over a year, Godwin Obaseki, governor, Edo State, has redefined governance in a manner never thought of before now. His ideas on public policy are radically different from the norm and so are his policy drives, putting his state far ahead of its peers in development parameters.
There is a common story making the rounds in political circles in Benin, the Edo State capital, these days. It is about how conversations at party gatherings of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) have taken on a new texture. It is neither about who gets into what position, nor what amount will be shared at such political gatherings. “More and more, it is either about how one massive road construction would link community A to Community B; or how Governor Godwin Obaseki has attracted another new business corporation into Edo State or one new law or policy meant to address critical deficit in governance,” explained a leader of one of the fringe opposition political parties in Edo state, recently.
There is no reason to doubt this observation, at least going by the spate of defection from opposition parties to APC between October and November this year, after Governor Obaseki undertook a statewide tour, tagged Thank-you- tour to APC voters who put him in power. The visits ended up to be a new political reorientation strategy meant to wean the teaming Edo populace off the non-progressive politics of old.

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