February 12, 2014

Skincare!6 Signs You Need To See A Dermatologist

A lot of us are guilty of not taking visits to the dermatologist seriously, we take our skin  for granted; where the visits to the experts are concerned we score a perfect zero!
As much as we load our skin with beauty
products that is not enough, the products only work well if the skin is in perfect condition.
You know its time to visit the dermatologist when:
1. You Never Have
You have never visited a dermatologist to check up on your skin, hence no visit ever to a skin expert, you just keep loading on products on products on the skin then its time to book an appointment.
2. Scalp Issues
When you have excessively dry, itching scalp that will not yield to products then its time to book that appointment.
3. You Worry About Your Skin
When you know deep down that your skin isn't the best it can be/always gives you reason to worry then you should see a dermatologist.
4. Rash
When stubborn rash(es) wont bulge and keeps occurring then its time for a visit to the dermatologist.
5. Acne Wont Go
When you have a case of acne that wont go away after several treatments then by all means visit an expert.
6. A Mole
Where you have a stubborn mole that sits pretty on your face or anywhere on your body then its time to see a dermatologist.

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