February 19, 2014

How To Care For The Liver12 Best Foods To Cleanse The Liver Load up foods that cleanse the liver...

The liver is the largest organ inside the body. It helps the body digest food, store energy, remove toxins, process food nutrients and is involved in regulating body metabolism, fat accumulation, alcohol misuse, viral infection and so on. It is a
very vital organ.
It is important to thoroughly care for the liver because of its obvious functions that keeps the body in tip top shape. Caring for the liver includes cleansing it often to purge it of impurities (which also shows brilliantly on the skin!) These foods help:

1) Avocado

2) Beets

3) Olive Oil

4) Garlic

5) Apples
6) Leafy Greens
7) Green Tea

8) Walnuts
9) Lemon/ Lime
10) Tumeric

11) Okro

12) Grapefruit

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